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Hot almond chocolate

Heiße Mandel-Schokolade | Rezept

You wanted out. Had to go out. Away from the confines of your four walls, away from your laptop, the deadlines and the noise of the dishwasher. Your brain also felt like a prison. There hasn't been a fresh thought in your head for hours.

Now you are here, in a nameless forest on the outskirts of the city: finally outside, finally free. You suck in the cold air and it burns wonderfully in your lungs. The path winds through the countless brown and green tones of the trees and bushes. Early hoarfrost freezes the grass.

You walk along the path. After a while the path runs you. Your thoughts open up, becoming bold and unexpected. You feel yourself again. The cold of the ground penetrates through your sneakers.

As you take your steps towards home, an image takes shape in your mind's eye: your sofa, your favorite person and a steaming, fragrant cup of almond chocolate...

You need this:

  • 70 ml cream

  • 130 ml milk

  • 30 g chocolate (whole milk or dark)

  • 1 tsp powdered sugar

  • 2 tsp cocoa powder

  • 1 tbsp amaretto

  • Almond flakes

  • Small marshmallows

It's that easy:

  1. Beat 35 g of cream until creamy and set aside.

  2. Bring the milk to the boil with the other half of the cream.

  3. Add the chocolate in pieces and let it melt at a low temperature while stirring.

  4. Add the powdered sugar and cocoa to the pot and stir well.

  5. Add the amaretto to the cup. Pour the hot chocolate over it.

  6. Top with the creamy cream, marshmallows and flaked almonds.