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Banana-raspberry smoothie


The corona virus has turned our everyday life upside down. Most of us notice this early in the morning.

Before: The alarm goes off. From this moment you have x minutes to get your children on their way to school, your hair in the right place and yourself to your workplace. Shoo, shoo!
Now: The alarm goes off. And nobody leaves the house. Ah, what relaxation.

Finally time for breakfast

Besides all the disadvantages, the current restrictions also give us this big advantage: time in the morning. Instead of losing those precious minutes in the car, bus or train, you now put them into something great: breakfast! Is there a more auspicious word?
With this ready-mixed smoothie, your day starts in the most beautiful way: vitamins, oatmeal, and pretty toppings for the eyes.
Finally, there's time to prepare something healthy for you and your family and enjoy it in peace and quiet. Slightly saturated and refreshed, home schooling or video meetings go much better.

Smoothie to go

Bonus: If you are not in your home office right now or if you want to drink your smoothie later, it is best to pack it in the muki Snackpot. This small round hand flatterer with its two separate containers is the ideal smoothie transporter. The topping goes in the lid compartment. The mixed fruit goes into the larger main compartment, where it stays nice and cool thanks to the insulation function.

For two servings you need:

  • 1-2 bananas (depending on size) 
  • 120 g frozen raspberries 
  • 50 g rolled oats 
  • 300 ml oat milk (or other plant-based milk) 
  • a pinch of lemon juice 
  • 1 tablespoon of greek yoghurt 
  • 1 tablespoon of agave syrup 
  • Topping: raspberries, mint leaves, cocoa nibs

It's that simple:

Put all the ingredients into a blender and mix well.


Perfect for this.