Cara Schanuel's day begins with a view of the rolling hills of the Costa Brava. The passionate photographer and graphic designer left her hectic life in Germany behind two years ago and found her new home in a small house near the Mediterranean. Surrounded by lush gardens and inspiring nature, she lives her dream of sustainability and creativity here.

Cara is more than just a creative person - she is also a self-sufficient person through and through. Her garden is her personal retreat, her source of inspiration and her living space. "There is nothing better than harvesting home-grown fruit and vegetables," she says with a smile. Exchanging ideas with other like-minded people in the self-sufficient community not only gives her new ideas, but also a feeling of connection.
For Cara, quality is a lifestyle.
Everything she does is done with attention to detail and a high standard of sustainability. That's why she prefers to work with small, conscious labels from Barcelona that share her values. One of her special projects: the print products for Marie von Wurzelwerk - a perfect symbiosis of her passion for gardening and her creative work.

Cara shows how to combine creativity, sustainability and a fulfilling life. For us, she is a role model who inspires us to break new ground - with passion, respect for nature and a sense of aesthetics.