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Christmas Survival Guide

Christmas Survival Guide

Christmas is just around the corner and for many people this is an occasion for great joy: The family comes to visit, people make presents to each other and the tables bend under delicacies.

But let's call a spade a spade: The holidays are not only peace, joy and almond biscuits.

Last-minute shopping excesses, arguments under the Christmas tree and the feeling of being a stuffed turkey yourself ... How can you survive this time staying healthy physically and mentally? No need to panic. Help is on the way! We have put together three powerful mindhacks for you that won't let the Christmas stress take over.

1. Christmas ist meant to be merry. Not perfect.

Now this will be a tough one for all those who have watched (too) many romantic Christmas movies. Whereby - the advertising in the newsfeed is already enough to develop a strange idea of the ideal family gathering.

Thoughts like: I absolutely need snow for Christmas, otherwise I can't be happy. Or: Without a Christmas tree with real candles and flying plastic pigs with halos, nothing makes sense. Um... yes.

At this point, it is vital that we keep in mind what is really essential: the shiny, perfect surface or the warm, emotional depths? Feeling connected, amazed, enjoying the magic of time - that is what it's all about.

Funnily enough, this usually works if you dare to let go of the fixed ideas in your head. When the heater breaks down and everyone spontaneously lights a fire in the garden. When a rain shower surprises us during a stroll, so that we all end up warming up, laughing and soaked, by the fireplace in the living room. When we can't see each other for health reasons and suddenly are closer than ever via a video connection. It might not be perfect. But it has the potential to be truly beautiful.

2. Three magic gates against dispute.

The following wisdom is credited to a Greek philosopher, an Indian guru or a Persian poet (depending on the source). Anyway, the three gentlemen knew what they were talking about and their idea is still up to date.

Before you say anything, let your words pass through three gates:

  1. Is it true? 
  2. Is it friendly? 
  3. Is it necessary?

Oops, busted. How often do we talk, just so it's not quiet? How often do little untruths creep into our sentences ("you always do XY")? How often do our words lack goodwill?

If you keep this mindset up, it could really be a peaceful coexistence this Christmas.

3. The principle of balance.

This one is really easy. The principle of balance means that everything in the world strives for balance. We feel this harmony whenever two opposite poles receive the same attention. Relaxation and activity. Giving and taking. Closeness and distance.

How can you apply this to Christmas? No, not by offsetting the value of all gifts given and received ;)

Take a close look at your holidays.

  • Do you spend three days in a row right next to each other?
  • Is there an infinite amount of food but no exercise?
  • Is one of you just standing in the kitchen while the others are being served?

If so, the poles are definitely not balanced.

Do not take more than you give. This does not mean that you have to have an equally expensive gift at hand. But make sure that the appreciation within your relationships is balanced. A simple "Thank you" and an "I see what you are doing for me" is often enough.

Make sure there are enough time-outs. Plan for rest and exercise phases. Don't just consume, but also create (first streaming, then telling stories).

Consciously design your holidays according to the principle of balance and let yourself be surprised what happens. 

Merry Christmas!


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