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This is how you avoid plastic in everyday life

So vermeidest Du Plastik im Alltag

There is no sugarcoating it: plastic is now everywhere. In the oceans, in the park around the corner, and in the stomachs of seabirds. It has even infiltrated our bodies. Microplastic particles can be detected in the blood of almost every person[1]. Does that creep you out? You're not alone!

What can be done about it? Consistently reducing plastic use. Even if it seems like a drop in the ocean – it is up to you where we steer our plastic flood. If fewer people buy and use plastic, manufacturers are forced to rethink. With your daily behavior, you can help determine the outcome. So, let's use this power!

Here are our five best tips on how to avoid plastic in everyday life:

1. Refuse plastic coffee-to-go cups.

Disposable cups have a lifespan of one coffee break – about five minutes. Then they end up in the next trash can. A massive waste of resources and completely unnecessary! With the FLSK coffee cup in your bag, you are perfectly equipped when the coffee craving strikes on the go. It will accompany you for many years, attract attention with its urban look, and is far superior to the plastic cup in practical terms: It is leak-proof, keeps drinks warm for three hours, and is free of plasticizers.




2. Switch to solid cosmetics without plastic packaging.

Solid shampoo, solid soap, solid deodorant, toothpaste tabs, silky smooth cream bars – the market offers a variety of solid cosmetics. In this context, solid means that the product comes in one piece and is often sold unpackaged or only wrapped in paper. You will need to adjust to using them, but you will be thrilled! For example, wash bars are much more economical than their liquid counterparts and cannot leak on the go.


3. Do not use disposable razors.

Let's stay in the bathroom. There's a little helper that causes a lot of plastic and waste: the disposable razor or plastic razor with a replaceable head. Honestly, the razor heads are constantly dull and quite expensive. Plastic-free safety razors made of wood and metal, which use a single blade, are better and more aesthetically pleasing.


4. Bring your own bags or containers when shopping.

This tip can greatly reduce your plastic consumption in everyday life. It is unbelievable how many plastic bags and other packaging are offered to us daily: from the classic shopping bag in the supermarket, to the thin plastic bag in the fruit department, to the bread bag with a plastic insert from the bakery. Say "No, thank you!" and use your reusable bags or containers instead. This works wonderfully in zero-waste stores, but also increasingly in "normal" bakeries, butcher shops, and of course at the supermarket checkout.


5. Ban plastic bottles from your daily life.

Plastic bottles account for a large part of the plastic pollution in our environment. No wonder: they are available everywhere, and everyone needs to drink... It is often overlooked that this not only harms nature but also our well-being. Especially in liquids, the dangerous plasticizers dissolve particularly well. Do yourself and the world a favor and avoid plastic bottles in everyday life. The FLSK drinking bottle offers you a fantastic, practical, and stylish alternative.



You can find more ideas for sustainable alternatives to plastic at WWF and the Federal Environment Agency.
