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Our carbon footprint

Unser CO2-Fußabdruck
Short and sweet:
  • We have created an extensive CO2 balance for 2019.

  • In total, we caused 916 tons of CO2, with the majority occurring in production.

  • Our focus is on long-term emissions reduction; we will compensate for all currently unavoidable CO2 emissions.

"If many small people in many small places do many small things, the face of our earth will change." An African proverb that emphatically shows the power that lies within everyone. And especially in small companies like us. Climate change is the most pressing problem of the time. Even if our influence in the global context is small, we want to be part of the change and move towards climate neutrality.

FLSK CUP and muki under the CO2 microscope

The first step: In 2019, together with the sustainability experts from akzente , we took a close look at the CO2* emissions our core products cause. And this throughout their entire life cycle – “cradle to grave” is what this is called in technical language. Starting with production, packaging, transport, use and disposal**. The current calculation is based on the original estimate from Märzen, but was carried out by us ourselves.

What becomes clear: At over 60 percent, production is responsible for the highest proportion of CO2. In addition to the high electricity requirement, the reason for this is the resource-intensive steel production. This is followed by product usage with up to 20 percent. If you clean FLSK, CUP and muki, energy is required. The lowest-emission way: Rinse them exclusively with cold or lukewarm water and use our cleaning beads to help with deposits. Packaging and transport are less important at up to 10 and 8 percent. Product disposal has little influence on our CO2 balance. This is mainly because we have a hard time influencing how FLSK, CUP and muki are treated. Our tip: extend your life as long as possible. Because of long-term use, you actively save on disposable products and emissions. This will make you a climate hero yourself. When the last days are numbered, you take your daily companion to the recycling center. To do this, separate FLSK, CUP and muki according to materials. This increases the chance that the majority can be recycled.

All emissions at a glance

Our goal is to make FLSK a climate-neutral company. We have therefore created a Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF) for a comprehensive overview. This CO2 footprint includes not only FLSK and muki, but our entire product range and all business activities - including business trips and our energy consumption in the office. The result is 916 tonnes of CO2 for 2019. This corresponds approximately to the annual consumption of 82 German citizens***.


Our CO2 mission: reduction before compensation

For us, that’s an impressive amount of CO2. To counteract this, the first priority is to reduce our emissions in the medium and long term. We have the greatest leverage in increasing the proportion of recycled steel in production. This is a mammoth task that we will devote ourselves to in the coming years. We have already been able to make small improvements: Since 2020, we have been purchasing green office electricity from the local hydroelectric power station and have been able to achieve the first savings in transport with the GoodShipping Initiative. We will offset all emissions from 2019 that we were unable to avoid. We are currently identifying suitable compensation projects. We have high standards for these. Because we want to start not only an ecological movement, but also a social movement. How it goes on? We'll let you know!

* Whenever we talk about CO2, it is CO 2 e. In addition to CO2, methane and nitrous oxide also act as greenhouse gases - but in different forms. The conversion into CO 2 equivalents, or CO 2 e for short, creates a standardization of the climate impact.
**The larger the FLSK, the higher the CO2 emissions: 350 ml (2.76 kg), 500 ml (3.33 kg), 750 ml (4.41 kg) and 1000 ml (5.16 kg ).
*** According to the Federal Environment Agency , every German citizen consumes 11.2 t of CO2 per year.

Perfect for this.